Why do we hear the word „transparency“ all over today? Because consumers are looking for more transparent products. They want to know what is in the products they buy. How were they made? Where do they come from? To illustrate the concept of transparency, let’s take the example of a quiche, a famous French dish.
Big companies invest a great deal of effort into ensuring their entire supply chains are compliant with their values and standards, as well as with governmental regulations. But how can small business owners achieve full transparency into their supply chains without the resources of big companies?
Have you ever thought that a supply chain is like a team? Supply chain members, just like employees of a company, must work together to deliver the best product or solution they can.
Transparency-One today released details regarding the expansion and adoption of its platform: global network adoption, comprehensive supply chain risk management, and connecting supply chain information to consumer insights.
http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/transparency-one-expands-global-network-adoption-of-supply-chain-transparency-platform-300474291.htmlListen to SGS and Transparency-One exploring the impact of FSMA on supply chain management practices within a global regulatory framework, and the role of technology and smart solutions in facilitating compliance and ensuring transparency.
https://sgseventcenter.webex.com/ec3000/eventcenter/recording/recordAction.do?theAction=poprecord&siteurl=sgseventcenter&entappname=url3000&internalRecordTicket=4832534b00000004b8fbbd1216e9dd9f261b1165bba08e48991f6e493c662f366aba1f403009031f&renewticket=0&isurlact=true&format=short&rnd=1350150978&RCID=a9b1cba478bdf931d6757c4344968a8a&rID=88394877&needFilter=false&recordID=88394877&apiname=lsr.php&AT=pb&actappname=ec3000&&SP=EC&entactname=/nbrRecordingURL.do&actname=/eventcenter/frame/g.doFSMA and the Global Supply Chain - Compliance Strategies and Smart Technologies for Managing Regulatory Data and Transparency The objectives of this webinar is to facilitate the compliance journey for the food industry. The webinar addresses the following main topics: • FSMA supply chain management requirements and best practices • The role of technology in supply chain transparency • Smart technologies for managing regulatory data across multiple geographies Presenters: Hank Karayan - SGS Director of Global FSMA Program Chris Morrison - CEO of Transparency-One Nicola Colombo - SGS Global Head of DigiComply
https://sgseventcenter.webex.com/mw3000/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=sgseventcenter&service=6&rnd=0.904792457099765&main_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsgseventcenter.webex.com%2Fec3000%2Feventcenter%2Fevent%2FeventAction.do%3FtheAction%3Ddetail%26%26%26EMK%3D4832534b000000043caf19f68c3adcf385ec97e472756cf204045802ef505aac1b39e0a8af8533fb%26siteurl%3Dsgseventcenter%26confViewID%3D3184921691%26encryptTicket%3DSDJTSwAAAAQUUj_k2QHfsrmJTZtyBCp0_myPeLOKglaHq20hi4VRHg2%26Spring cleaning is upon us. Winter is over and summer is coming. It is the perfect time to curate your wardrobe, get rid of old or unused clothing, and buy new clothes for the upcoming season.
In-store shopping was the most common method of shopping but 54% of shoppers still buy products online weekly or monthly.
Transparency-One CEO Chris Morrison speaks at the SGS Special Session on FSMA at the Global Food Safety Conference in Houston, Texas (March 1, 2017).